
The Right Way To Use Twitter For Online Business

How to Use Twitter for Business - For years I've wondered what Twitter's value is for sales and business. Everyone knows LinkedIn's values ​​for sales, marketing, B2B prospecting, and entrepreneurs in general. But Twitter is finally gaining traction in B2B. This article shares some of the latest Twitter strategies, tactics, tools and best practices.

Darren Rowse of ProBlogger has a really cool ebook called 31 Days to Build a Better Twitter Blog . It gives you 1 thing to do per day on your blog for a whole month. This is for those who can never do it because they are very busy.

Decide Your Goal
Some Twitter users use social media sites to build their businesses or generate side income. There are bloggers who use the platform to share ideas and articles and to see what other people are writing.

Some people use Twitter to view the news, while others want to see what celebrities or their friends are up to. Defining your goals will help you decide who to follow and what kind of information to share.

Why Should You Use Twitter?

Focus on your own plan

There are millions of Twitter users who tweet thousands of pieces of information every second. It's easy to get overwhelmed by and get lost in the noise. Instead of trying to soak everything in and reuse everything, focus on your planing.
Don't just be a Twitter fan and master nothing. Tweets around your passion will become stronger. Plus, you'll attract users who share similar interests. If you're not focused, you'll attract followers that are meaningless, if any, at all.

Define your brand

Once you've focused on your goals and passions, decide how you want the Twitter world to see you. Do you want to specialize in one subject to attract a targeted audience? Or do you want to be more general, tweeting about various topics?

Do you want your tweets to be funny and casual or very professional? Is your goal to become a thought leader or celebrity? This will give you hints on who to follow and what to tweet.

Define your strategy

If your goal is to influence, promote or sell, your strategy should be communication based. You will want to attract attention. To attract attention, you need to tweet, direct messages, engage with other users and focus on getting information in the Twitter world.

If you use Twitter to follow the news, learn, provide customer service, or perform market analysis, your strategy is to listen. You will want to decide who will provide the content you are interested in and follow them. You'll also want to learn how to take advantage of filtering tools, including Twitter hashtags and lists.

What is Strategy in Communicating?

Learn how to use Twitter. Reading this article and articles like it is a good first step. However, to really learn how to take advantage of Twitter.

Grab your name, brand or personality. (@hartomyoktavian)

Take good pictures. Use a close-up photo of yourself or your business logo. This image will appear on your profile page and next to every comment you make on Twitter. You want people to recognize you. Make sure the image is clear and bright, with your face in the center. (Or you can be off-center, like I am, if you're a little different.) You want to avoid other objects next to you in the image.

If you use a logo, try not to make it too wordy, or it will be unreadable at small image sizes. Your images can be formatted as jpg, gif or PNG. The size limit for uploads is 700KB. Twitter is reformatting images for profile pictures and smaller images next to comments.

Change your Profile Picture. To change your profile picture, click the gear icon located at the top of the page, and select "edit profile." Next to "Photos" select "Upload photo" from the drop down. Upload your photo from your computer.

How to Apply for a Job Using Social Media

Find your keywords. Use the Google Keyword Tool (now Keyword Planner as of August 26) to find the keywords that make up your industry or market. Remember to divert the river, don't dig a well.

In other words, tap on existing traffic rather than generate it from scratch. It's better to know about keywords than about hashtags, because hashtags are keywords or "themes" that can help amplify your exposure.

How to Apply for Jobs Using Social Media?
Research and identify your hashtags. Hashtags are a tool to make words easier to find. To create a hashtag, place # before the word. Hashtags allow Twitter users to enter Twitter-wide conversations. Find trending conversations, and decide what you want to include. It will also help you connect with users who share similar interests.

Clever your profile with keywords for searches and fun facts for people. Once you've decided why you're using Twitter, what your target audience is and going through the initial setup, you now want to appear in searches. Include keywords in your Twitter profile.

Publish your Twitter ID in other media. This lets people know on Twitter and helps to find you. A great way to grow your following is to start with people you know and connect with them in a variety of ways.

Check out Twitter tools like Insightpool or Tweepi to target who to follow or who you want to follow. The best way to build your network is to target your content specifically to those who are interested in following you and make it truly engaging and valuable.

Insightpool or Tweetpi are the perfect tools for this. Check out How to Build a Target 100,000 Twitter Blog Tribe on Jeff Bullas' blog. Two other useful tools are Twitonomy, which provides analytics, and Twtrland, which offers social intelligence.
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